Fantastic Fest

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seventh Moon...whole roasted suckling pigs.

A couple of months ago when we first booked Seventh Moon, I read the complete press kit which described in great detail both the filming method and inevitable anecdotes about their shoot in rural China. One story that particularly caught my fancy was on the first day of filming. The Chinese crew hosted a celebration with a Buddhist prayer wishing for a lucky, successful film shoot. This involved some manner of deep-voiced incantation by a bald man in a yellow robe, a methodical raising and lowering of incense sticks, (and here's where my eyebrow literally rose) the presentation and subsequent devouring of whole roasted suckling pigs by the cast and crew.

The shoot was lucky and successful, so clearly there is something to this pig business. I told the story to Alamo executive chef John Bullington, no stranger in the art of pig roasting, and he quickly volunteered. "If it will make for a lucky and successful film screening, it is then our moral imperative to roast pigs," said he. And so we are.

Buddhist incense masters are proving more challenging, but we will do our best. On the pig front, John Bullington will be preparing, specifically for the Seventh Moon audience the following special:

Chinese five spice roast suckling pig with mandarin pancakes, spicy Chinese barbecue sauce, steamed gai-lon and chinese forbidden black rice, which will be available for purchase by the audience at $9.99 while supplies last.

To the delight of the carnivores and the horror of the vegans, the roast pigs will be carved in the theater prior to the film.


  • At 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was debating about how to fit Seventh Moon into my schedule, and now I MUST. Suckling pig is wonderful stuff, it's one reason I can't go vegetarian. Yum. Thanks.

  • At 7:58 PM , Blogger Scott Weinberg said...

    I'm telling my rabbi on you.

  • At 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is this only for the first showing of the film or both?

  • At 11:00 AM , Blogger Freddie said...

    I just want bacon... flavored shakes!

  • At 11:27 PM , Blogger kitten said...

    i had to rearrange my schedule so that i could partake since it is only going to be at the first showing of the film. YUM!

  • At 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Pig at 10pm..........
    yummmmmmmm.. just what the Dr. ordered.


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