Fantastic Fest

Friday, September 21, 2007

'Princess' and 'Taxidermia.' Finally.

There are two films screening at Fantastic Fest that I had nothing to do with programming, but I tried so very hard to have them play last year's event. They are Princess and Taxidermia. I caught them both at Cannes in 2006, and they are two very unusual and mind-bending explorations of human culture. Princess is a Danish blend between Dogme 95 and Japanese anime. Taxidermia is a Hungarian assault on the senses, particularly the sense of taste. Both are fairly disturbing and not for the faint-of-heart. But, man oh man, are they good films. And I'm so excited to have them at Fantastic Fest this year. Check the schedule, and make sure you don't miss 'em!


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