Fantastic Debates Tonight! Starts at the podium, ends in the boxing ring!
The debates will be in the classical point-counterpoint format and the audience will vote on the passage of the resolution at hand. And that's about it. Except - oh yeah - if one debater or the other is unable to secure a 3/4 majority of the voters at hand the matter will be settled in the boxing ring. A qualified trainer and referee will be present and headgear and regulation gloves will be provided. The level of competition should be fairly strong. Most of these folks have been loading up on carbohydrate rich foods and beverages for the duration of the fest in preparation for this. I'm picturing action along the lines of the punishing Ali/Frazier Thrilla In Manila - possibly even greater. The boxing press has been notified to expect a total paradigm shift in their sport from the old days of fit, highly trained athletes to the more highly padded, short-burst equipped "fighters of tomorrow".
That said, here are the topics we will cover in the very first round of the Fantastic Debates.
Resolved: CGI is kicking our eyes in the nuts and should be abandoned in favor of practical special effects.
Resolved: The future of filmmaking belongs to those modern heroes of Hollywood whose numerous remakes have liberated us from those dusty old "classic" movies.
Resolved: DVD is dead.
Resolved: George Lucas has lost his fucking mind.
Debaters will include:
Nacho Vigalondo, Filmmaker
Todd Brown,
Devin Faraci,
Scott Weinberg, Critic
Jay Slater, Critic, Journalist
Owen Egerton, author of the forthcoming "The Force Is With Him: The Wonder Worlds Of George Lucas"
Les McGehee, President of the Pay Per View Initiative, author of "The Disc Is Dead: Long Live The Box"
Matt Kiernan, Headquarters 10, Fangoria, Fantastic Fest
So everyone either meet up in the lobby or come on over to South Austin Gym for the FANTASTIC DEBATES!!!!
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