Fantastic Fest

Monday, June 30, 2008

2007 Fantastic Fest Alumnus Ryan Levin is very funny - and Comedy Central Agrees!

Remember the short THE FIFTH about a poker game between some pretty rough characters? We sure do. It was dark. It was witty. It was very well acted. We loved it.

Now his series about a vulgar stoat who's paid his dues in the joint, BENNY, ESCAPED CONVICT, has been picked up by Comedy Central. We think you'll like it, even though it makes us blush like a ladies book club confronted with the secretions of an excited ermine.

Here it is, enjoy.

Plus here's your chance to become friends with a vulgar stoat via Facebook.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

North American Fantastic Festival Alliance Expands!


(June 20, 2008) The NORTH AMERICAN FANTASTIC FESTIVAL ALLIANCE (NAFFA) is pleased to announce the addition of 4 fantastic film festival partners to its organization; New York Asian Film Festival, Toronto After Dark, Danger After Dark in Philadelphia, and ScreamFest L.A. NAAFA was founded by Montreal’s Fantasia, Alamo Drafthouse’s Fantastic Fest in Austin and Dead Channels: the San Francisco Festival of Fantastic Film.

NAFFA is comprised of professional North American festivals dedicated to presenting the best new independent and international fantasy, science fiction, horror, animation, exploitation, experimental and cult movies, as well as selected retrospective programs, with a dedication to quality and respect for the filmmaker’s work. The Alliance’s mission is to assist neophyte filmmakers in navigating the chaotic, and overwhelming, film festival submission process by providing useful information and invaluable networking opportunities.

NAFFA’s official website,, aims to provide emerging and established imaginative artists with access to an Alliance of acclaimed festivals that actively support the discovery and promotion of thrillingly unique independent film from all over the world. NAFFA is recognized by the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation:

The following is a list of upcoming events of partners of the NAFFA

New York Asian Film Festival
June 20 – July 6, 2008

July 3 – 21, 2008
Montreal, Canada

Fantastic Fest
September 18-25, 2008
Austin, TX

Dead Channels
October 2-5, 2008
San Francisco, CA

ScreamFest LA
October 17-24, 2008 (Check dates)
Los Angeles, CA

Toronto After Dark
October 17 – 24, 2008
Toronto, Canada

Danger After Dark
March 26 – April 7, 2009
Philadelphia, PA

Find more information about NAAFA, events and festivals, visit:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It didn't technically play Fantastic Fest, but it opened at the Drafthouse and it did screen at SXSW ... plus it's really damn good so here's a blog entry. (Deal with it!) THE SIGNAL might just be the very first non-anthology to be directed in episodic fashion by three different directors. And I don't mean "episodic" as a knock; I mean one guy directed Act I, another guy did Act II, and a third lunatic did Act III. (Those directors would be David Bruckner (I), Jake Gentry (II), and Dan Bush (III).) Can YOU spot the tonal divergences?

Shot in Atlanta on a budget that wouldn't cover gasoline costs on most productions, The Signal is a sci-fi horror movie that also has the audacity to include humor, heart, and intelligence as part of the equation. Well-acted, handsomely shot, and engaging in true "sci-fi" fashion, this is a very good indie flick. The Magnolia DVD hits shelves this week, and the release is littered with some very fine extras -- but if you want the "deluxe" treatment, you'll have to visit Best Buy, because they have an exclusive 2-disc edition that's got even MORE goodies.

Plus, ladies, the movie's got some really nice man-ass in it.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Newsflash!: FF '07 favorite TIMECRIMES actually travels through time!!!

It's true! Not content to have created the most memorable and exciting Spanish sci-fi film of its age, writer/director/star of TIMECRIMES Nacho Vigalondo recently packed an airplane with friends and colleagues and flew against the time barrier for a special movie-themed party. The passengers viewed the film on the plane itself, then landed in another time zone to party down on the Canary Islands!

Here's the news story on the event from Spanish TV!:

(If you don't speak fluent Spanish, don't feel bad...I don't either!)

Regardless, yet another congratulations to Nacho, as TIMECRIMES opens in Spain next weekend on 80 screens - a very impressive release for an independent film. The film will be released by Magnet/Magnolia in the fall in the US - so look for it and spread the word already!!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Rhyme Time #1

Yo I've got something to get off my chest
I think I have a crush on Fantastic Fest
As genre fests go it's among the best
If it was publicly traded I'd surely invest

We'll have games and movies and barbecues
And tons of alcohol for you drunks to choose
(In Austin even babies can handle their booze)
And we even welcome people like women and jews

It all takes place at the House of Draft
Where I once saw a comedy and really laughed
But the owner was once convicted of graft
And conspiring to blackmail the estate of George Raft

We get great flicks thanks to Tim and Harry
But they're often pretty scary so you better be wary
And I know this will make me sound contrary
But we all know who's in charge and that is Karrie

The Alamo crew smokes butts out back
But they're so damn crazy you'd think it's crack
And I hope this confession doesn't earn me a smack
But I once went upstairs and saw Lars kissing Zack

Wall-to-wall movies are always great
But the food's good too, plus it comes on a plate
The fest is perfect if you're out on a date
Watch some French splatter and then procreate!

Don't bring your own food into the place
Or you probably won't get to stuff your face
(And the servers will beat you and then give chase)
It's tough to eat cheese fries when you're in a neck brace

It's not like Austin is really far
Just go to Central Texas and find the nearest bar
Whether you're in Philly, Guam or Zanzibar
Just remember this: 1120 South Lamar

But seriously folks, and I mean this sincerely
It's a shame that Fantastic Fest comes only yearly
It's an awesome event that I truly love dearly
And I'm sorry if this poem has ended rather queerly